
concept and principles of Buddhism.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Study concept and principles of Buddhism. Studies in Buddhism began when the Buddha ordained. Anya attitude towards logic decoding is the first year the forest hermit Maruekhathayawan. Road, Varanasi He said, "Come, be a monk blessed we said then. Keep my virginity for the suffering like me "and later when he allowed. The good son has ordained monk ordination. By way of verbal articulation to the Triple Gem. (Martin ebony with Manu on Seampdr) has given to those...

Buddha Purnima

Buddha Purnima is a sacred festival of Buddhists. This day is celebrated once a month. Buddha was born in this holy tithite. On this day, the Buddhists take a bath, wears sucibastra (a single piece of cloth) and engage themselves in meditation . Buddhism is celebrated annually in the countries with a special status. In these days, the government of their country prohibit the sales of wine, fish and meat .Various types of prayers are seen to be performed in this holy d...

A very fruitful

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Problems should give something to the people like to have a lot more merit?  Word Buddha replied, "Your Majesty, even if virtuous son out of the house before the family acres. As a ordained not find housing And the good son As the body is composed of five apiece, then the five of you that are in good son. Is indeed a very fruitful and virtuous son who is 5 percent, then why. That's a good son erotic proxy then. That's a good son feud already. Tin slowness...

Festivals & Ceremonies of Buddhist

Saturday, December 28, 2013

There is Hindu beliefs that Buddhism is a philosophy/religion created by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) over 2500 years ago. Mahayana and Theravada are the two major divisions and there are also many subdivisions. There is a believe in Buddhist that one must rise above desires, to reach a state of enlightenment. Those who are the followers of Buddha, there is advise for them if they were to thrive they should meet together regularly and in large numbers. So festivals are...

A short history of Buddhism in Bangladesh.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Part-2 (End) British and Pakistan period: The British East-India Company established their rule in Bangladesh on September 1760. The moderate policy of the British enabled the Buddhists, although a smaller number, to re-establish them in Bangladesh on a solid foundation. On the other hand, Buddhist religious texts were not obtainable in Bangladesh. Yet Buddhist monks and monasteries were only a few in quantity. The Buddhists were influenced by Hinduism and performed numerous classes’ .Hindu...

A short history of Buddhism in Bangladesh

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Part-1 The borders of Bangladesh were established with the partition of Bengal and India in 1947, when the region became East Pakistan which was the part of the newly formed nation of Pakistan. Political and linguistic discrimination as well as economic neglect led against West Pakistan that crystal rectifier to the Bangladesh Liberation War  in 1971 and also the establishment of Bangladesh. In this way, Today’s Bangladesh could be a profane, democratic republic. ...


Sunday, December 15, 2013

The meaning of the word Buddhism religion The word "religion" comes from the Sanskrit as "endorsing thespirit" is Pali as "endorsing the spirit" is meant by the term as "the doctrine" in English using the word "Religion", which are terms original. from the Latin word Religis linguistic scholars have speculated that comes from the second term is Relegere which translates as treats. Or associated with care and Religare, which means to bind, hence the word Religion is meant by that term. Treatment...

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